Our zero-deforestation commitment
We have a strong methodology to ensure that our chocolate production doesn’t contribute to deforestation:

We select our suppliers with an initial audit and we engage them in our ambition of a more sustainable cocoa supply chain.

We transform the rural areas by developing activities in line with Cocoa Forest Initiatives (CFI) strategy.

We verify our impact on the cocoa farming areas, in order to enhance and adapt our actions plan.

Alexis Assiri,
Head of Sustainability
CÉMOI Côte d’Ivoire.

In 2018, we joined the Cocoa & Forest Initiative which is coordinated by the World Cocoa Foundation (WFC) that gathers all the stakeholders around the same objective. We immediately strengthen our commitment by joining the initiative, because we strongly believe that only collaborative actions from both private and public organisations can make the cocoa supply chain more sustainable.
To see our CFI results,
Download our latest CFI report here
Promote agroforestry & reforestation
“Agroforestry, or mixing forest and cocoa trees, restores ecosystems, stabilizes yields and provides alternative sources of income.” World Cocoa Foundation
We strongly believe that agroforestry is part of the answer to a more sustainable cocoa production. In fact, this model can increase and diversify farmers income, preserve biodiversity and boost carbon storage. We promote agroforestry by training our farmers on the implementation of agroforestry and support them with tools to develop it.

Implementation of nurseries

Implementation of demo plots

Coaching & training on agroforestry

Distribution of tree seedlings
Want to know more about our results on agroforestry? Check out Our impact.
Our dedicated project

In 2017, the « Cacao Ami des Forêts » (CAF) project was initiated by the Transparence Cacao program to address the deforestation challenge in Ivory Coast, and in addition to address the aging of the farms. In collaboration with ‘Le Conseil du Café-Cacao (CCC), Transparence Cacao promotes a sustainable cocoa culture that reconciles environmental preservation and farmers’ quality of life. We have set 3 objectives, which are monitored through indicators followed by an independent NGO; Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF):
1. Increase the yield from 350 kg/ha (reference average) to 1000 kg/ha for at least 25% of the cocoa farms;
2. Increase the annual net income by 30% for at least 80% of the farmers coached during the project;
3. Trace 100% of the cocoa of the program from the farmers to the customer
Download our latest Cacao Ami Des Forêts Results here

2,720 farmers
of the cocoa farms